How to Choose the Right-Marking Machine on Metal?

Have you ever thought that every product you use, no matter what it’s made of, is marked with information that could be helpful? Yes, every business needs metal marking machines that can put important information on its products. Picking the right machine for your product is always a problem and hard to do.
Expert machinists are looking for more and more uses for these techniques today, and the technology for small, light, portable, handheld machining is getting better and moving forward quickly. Metal marking machine manufacturers now make small, specialized electronic numerical control machine tools for precise machining jobs that can’t be done with stationary machines.
Metal Marking Machines: All That You Need to Know
This article will tell you everything you need to know about a marking machine for metals. Here is a list of the different kinds of machines that mark metal.
Types of Machines for Marking Metal
There is no doubt that new types of materials are being used in the industry, but it is also known that metal will always be the best. Every business that makes metal parts needs to have its name engraved on them. Three main metal-marking machines are being used in the industry now.
- Fiber laser machines for marking
- Dot pin or dot pin marking machine
- Handheld inkjet printers
To choose the right machine, you need to know a little about each kind. Here is a list of the pros and cons of each type, so you can get a better idea of what each machine does.
Fibre Laser Engravers or Marking Machines
There is no doubt that these machines can do just about anything. This marking machine is made with the most up-to-date technology, which lets you mark your product more quickly and accurately. Because of this new technology, the amount of time has also been reduced to the bare minimum.
Dot Pin Marking Machines:
This marking machine can engrave directly on metal in a way that will last forever. This machine’s main part is carbide, a very hard material. Because carbide is so hard, the machine can easily engrave it on almost any kind of metal. Aside from that, the pin moves so quickly that it’s almost impossible to count how many times it hits the material with the naked eye. This machine works faster and better than the last one.
Handheld inkjet printers
This is the most basic metal marking machine you can buy. Inkjet printers are less expensive and easy to use because they can be moved around. This technology does not carve into the material. Instead, it uses ink to make marks on the material.
Comparison and Analysis of Metal Marking Machines
Metal marking machine manufacturers can conclude that we know a bit about the three different marking machines.
Fiber laser marking machines are better at finishing the markings than dot peen marking machines. Since dot peen markers engrave the metal, they can’t make intricate impressions with fine details. Also important is the size of the carbide ball. The smallest width of an impression can be as small as the diameter of the ball.
This makes it hard for dot peen marking machines to do their jobs. Fiber laser marking machines, on the other hand, can make complex marks with finer details and higher resolution. A fiber laser marker can carve a bar code into a metal surface.
Maintenance and Repair
Cost is one of the most important things to consider when picking a Metal marking machine. Fiber laser uses the newest technology, so it costs more at first. Dot peen marking machines, on the other hand, are less expensive than fiber lasers. Inkjet markers are the least expensive machines that can mark things.
Maintenance and running costs are higher for dot peen than for the other two types. Dot peen markers are mostly made of mechanical parts, so they need to be cared for and fixed regularly. The HRC number for how hard the carbide ball is is 60.
So, a harder material than HRC 60 will break the carbide ball. This would cause damage and cost money to fix. It would also waste a lot of time. Dot peen machines keep getting more expensive to run and keep up because of these costs. When it comes to inkjet, the cost of ink can change.
Marking Speed
Marking operations are sometimes based on how quickly they can be done. If you make cars and put them together quickly, you’d need a fiber laser marking machine or an inkjet marker. Light is used to send information with a fiber laser, so the speed is very fast.
Dot peen is slow because it is based on engraving, a basic way to mark something. It cuts into the material and makes engravings, so the process is slow, and takes time. The main difference between the two types is between the light and mechanical parts. Light is faster, so it wins the race.
When it comes to operations, fiber laser is the clear winner. But dot peen wouldn’t lose its place because permanent direct engraving impressions still need to be made with it.
Choosing a Metal marking machine depends on what kind of marking you want and what you want to mark. Fiber laser marking machines are the way to go if you need a high-quality, metal finished product. Use dot peen marking machines if the material is still metal, but you need deep engravings.
The price goes up with the technology. Dot peen marking machine is another option if you can’t afford a fiber laser marker. Even if you can’t afford a dot peen marking machine, there are always inkjet machines to help you out. Look on the Internet for the best metal marking machine manufacturers. Try to compare the prices and features. After reading this article, it will be easy to choose between your options. Just keep one thing in mind: use the right tool for the job!